Tuesday, January 31, 2012

{Review} Incarnate by Jodi Meadows

Series: Newsoul #1
Publication Date: January 31, 2012
Publisher: Harper Collins Children's Books
ISBN-13: 9780062060754

In Range for millions of years souls have been reincarnated, everyone knows everybody and they all know one thing for certain, once they die they will come back. Everything is shattered when Ana is born, the little girl that came into this world when everyone was expecting Ciana reincarnation, but she never came back.
No soul, that's what Ana's been called her whole life, she's been told she isn't allowed to love, that the feeling she believes to feel aren't real, that she isn't even worthy of being alive.
That is what Ana has been led to believe her whole life, that because of her Ciana disappeared for ever  she is one with out a soul. 
Everything changes on Ana's eighteen birthday the day she is finally free from her mother Li and all her horrible cares, Ana embarks on a journey to find out who she is and why she is now part of this world.

Ana is an incredible character to read, she is strong, curious, loves music and has a thirst for knowledge. Jodi Medows portrays in her book the feeling that she was having fun while she was writing Incarnate and she passes it along to the reader, that is one of the reasons why this book not only gets the top grades, but it also goes up into my favorites shelf in goodreads. 
There is something about Ana and her story that is so... pure, she comes into a world that is jaded, while she is full of curiosity and will to learn about this world that she now forms part of she brings freshness into Heart and just the mere fact that she exist starts to shake things up.
The only real weirdness in this book is that Ana is a new soul, she has never lived before or loved, so everything about her is pure and it doesn't matter who the love interest maybe, there will be weirdness because the love interest will be a person with so many lifes of experience ahead of her. Once you get past this awkwardness you get to enjoy this book and see its true potential. And that same awkwardness and other elements of this book gives us not only a story but also something to think about. 

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars

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