Monday, February 6, 2012

{ARC Review} Tooth and Nail by Jennifer Safrey

Publication Date: February 7, 2012
Publisher: Night Shade Books
ISBN-13: 9781597803922

Gemma's life wasn't always easy but now that she is happy with her boyfriend and everything seems to be falling into place life decides is a good time for Gemma to shake things up, she was a happy amateur boxer and settling on the idea of leaving her job temporarily to support her boyfriends political career, but life doesn't care and decided to reveal to Gemma the other side 
of her heritage, that she really is...... a tooth fairy.... well they prefer the term fae.
If the new identity crisis wasn't enough the fae have great expectations for Gemma who as a fae warrior must protect them from an evil threat, all while keeping her true identity away from her boyfriend, not pursuing the fireworks that spark every time she is with her new fae instructor and a certain journalist that seems to have a keen interest for Gemma and will stop at nothing to get the story he craves.

This book is fresh and new,  and kinda grown up-ish, but not in a kill-joy way.  The main character Gemma is dealing with a lot of stuff and she doesn't run, no matter what. She embraces the magic and the consequences of her acts, she is strong and she doesn't let her issues stand in her way, well... at least not for long.
The thing I love about Gemma is that even though she is an amateur boxer she doesn't resort to violence the first chance she gets, she is smart and deals with things as best as she can. 
The way the author plays with the magic of the situation and the rescue of innocence is something that just made me want to grab on to this book, and I love that there is this lingering feeling at the end of a sequel. 
This book may not be everyones cup of tea, because you may be expecting more action or more intensity, but for some the way Jennifer Safrey takes us trough the world of tooth faeries will be amusing and fresh.

Rating: 9 out of 10

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