1- If you knew you where getting amnesia and you could leave yourself a note to re-read just one book or series which one would it be?
Oooh, this is a hard one! There are so many books that could qualify for this question that I absolutely love to death, but I think that I'll go with The Sugar Queen by Sarah Addison Allen. It's just--I think I've read that book four or five times now, and it never stops making me happy. I love that book, and EVERYONE ELSE SHOULD READ IT. Seriously, if you're a girl (I'm not sure if this book would appeal to guys), you should read it. Magical realism crossed with a good contemporary, I mean, you can't go wrong!
2- What as been the review that you've had the most fun writing?
Hmm. I'm not sure, actually. The review where it flowed the most easily, or the review that was fun? I kind of think that writing reviews in general is really fun, unless the book sucked--and then it's still kind of fun, because I can be so snarky, if given the chance. So, I'm going to assume that you mean flowy. But I'm going to give you the review that has the most of me incorporated into it.
3- Tell us a little bit about your book crush, literary significant other or how ever you wish to call it ;)
Yeah. I'm gonna go with book crush, because that term is the most describing of it. Honestly, I actually have several, but I totally love Doug Fox (even his name is HAWT!) from Forget You by Jennifer Echols. He seems like such a total sweetheart, and I bet he could be your best friend. He's that freaking awesome. (:
4- Tell us what in your opinion sets your blog apart from the others
My rockin' awesome design? Just kidding. I think that what sets me apart from the other blogs out there is that I have a different voice. I think it's totally important to just find yourself in your blogging, so that no one can mistake you for someone else, or even think about telling you that you're the same. To be honest, I agree with what Parajunkee has said, about how originality is gone from blogging. (Says the owner of a blog tour site. o_O) Mostly, though, I think that original content is all it takes to set people apart. And there are so many other bloggers out there that it can be hard sometimes. (I feel like I should be in a protest rally. PREACH IT, SISTER! POWER TO THE PEOPLE!)
5- Can you tell us a little about your blog schedule? what can we expect to see in your blog during the week.
Hmm. I don't really have a schedule. I usually post a mailbox post on Saturday, but other than that, I have no schedule whatsoever. I don't participate in memes, and I don't have a reading schedule, so when I finish a book, there will be a review up ASAP, and you can expect that.
6- Do you eat when you read? if so tell us a little about what snacks you like to have.
Actually, not very often. If I do though, it's usually cereal. (Which sounds really complicated, but trust me, it's not. The art of balance.)
7- Tell us about the most random character you have ever read. Did you love the character or hated it?
The most random character I ever read? Hm. I don't actually know, so excuse me while I go through the catalog in my mind. .... Nada. If you've noticed, we don't actually have very many random characters in YA lit. They all seem to have serious issues, or be some kind of demon hunter, so I'm just not feeling one that particularly stands out. Maybe I just haven't found the right one yet? I don't know, but it seems like there's too much pressure in the book community to have a character that stands out, so now they all stand out in unity? o_O
8- favorite and least favorite thing about blogging
I think that my favorite thing about blogging is the serious blogging part, and how the whole community just kind of works together, and we help each other out, comment on each other's reviews, tweet about 'em, it's all a large wheel, and we're each a cog. Which is great, because almost all of the people I've met blogging have been amazing and nice. But then there are other people who put out a great image, but aren't so nice at all.
My least favorite is all the pressure--all the time. When I first started, it was easy. No pressure, but now that I've been doing it for almost a year, I'm starting to feel the pressure. The pressure to have the coolest new books, to have the most awesome design, and just all the work that it takes to run your own tours, and just to blog. It's not easy anymore, but it's a lot of reward. My heart just jumps every time I get a comment, or a review request, or a new follower.
9- Most emotional or passionate review.
Again, I try to be passionate in all of my reviews, so I'm totally not sure, but one has just come to mind. Just a second, if you will ... The Diviners by Libba Bray.
10- Have you ever met any of your favorite authors? If so, could you please share your experience.
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