Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Cover Wars #1 Shatter Me by Tahereh Mafi

Welcome to the first edition of cover wars, where the most important thing is your opinion! Today we put Shatter Me book covers to the test, please share with us what you love or hate about the covers, if you have read the book tell us does your favorite cover portray what the book is about? Did you like the change? Or does it affect you in some way that there was a cover change? Now lets take a look at today's contestants shall we.

First we have the ARC cover

Then the first edition cover

And the last but not least the newest cover for Shatter Me

Well I guess I should get the ball rolling. My favorite cover is the ARC cover, not because that was the first version I ever saw, I feel it matches the story the innocence of Juliet and her wish to keep everyone safe from her, the plain white opens up a world of probabilities of the things that may or may not happen to her and the world they live in and just the crossing of the words¨shatter me¨that starts the continuum towards Juliette´s thoughts and the way she looks at herself, the only thing missing was the part "My touch is lethal. My touch is power


  1. I feel white shows us the opportunities that open up to Juliette with this book, that and I don´t really like the face the model is making on the First Edition one. But I do agree with you the new cover is not for me.

  2. I understand why you love the ARC copy it does describe the book more and Juliette.But I just like looking at the newest cover.So it wins to me!!

  3. Really? Some books that are just plain white... well it fits more with the book. Like if the book was about clouds or the heavens that would make more sense to me. I like the first edition. No cyclops cover for me.
    She’s Got Books on Her Mind

