Monday, June 18, 2012

A Touch of Greek by Tina Folsom

Series: Out of Olympus #1
Publication Date: September 30th, 2010
Publisher: Tina Folsom
ISBN-13: 9780983612940

When Sophia lost her aunt she felt the void of loosing the woman that took her in and raised her when her parents died, when she starts to build a life of her own in the house she inherited she finds more problems then a cheating contractor and a cousin that is trying to cheat his way into her inheritance, after a freak accident Sophia losses her leaves her blind, now she must deal with opening her B&B  before the bank loans eat her up and she must keep the fears of becoming insane like her mother at bay.
After many chances the son of Triton has finally crossed the line and now he must fufill a quest before he is able to have his powers back and be able to return to Olympus, but things aren't as easy as he first believes, specially after meeting a girl how not only rejected him but also called him a male bimbo. Now he has set his sight on her, so that he can prove her wrong, but is it really why he is doing it?

I enjoyed this story, when I read the description on Netgally I knew I had to read it, to my surprise this book has some sexy time in it, but I liked how it melted in this story, it didn't feel like "omg sex fixes all" like in some other story, the fact that the characters are greek gods that makes it all more smooth, I mean Greek gods weren't known by their chastity, they where more liberal.
It was an interesting read, we see both the thoughts of the main characters and you can empathize with both of them and see what they feel for one another and how little by little they start to trust and love each other.
This story was kind of predictable which did suck some of the flavor out of it,  I would have like a bit more of incertitude that would bring us to the edge of out seats. Overall I enjoyed reading this book 

