Thursday, October 13, 2011

{Arc Review} Geek Girls Unite by Leslie Simon

Original title: Geek Girls Unite: how fangirls, bookworms, indie chicks, and other misfits are taking over the world
Publication date: October 18, 2011
Publisher: HarperCollins Publishers
ISBN-13: 9780062002730 
Ever feel like you are all alone in this world and nobody gets you? grow up as a fan of video games, a bookworm or just a little "strange" for society? Well Leslie Simon is here to celebrate our unique geekiness with Geek Girls Unite, this book is a celebration for all the female geeks out there.
Leslie takes us on a journey where we explore the geek queendom (because we are not interested in the type of male nerd out there, at least not in this book), the types of geekets that are out there changing and rocking this heart. Leslie has this fun way of cataloging the different types of she-geeks which include the general description, a little bit of history of those great females that made way for us, some representatives, who you might be reading/listening/or trying to imitate and she also has this adorable little section where she plays with the idea of the perfect match for every type of geeket.

This book is fun, quirky and adorable. I love the fact that Leslie didn't go with what she knew but she also openned her book up for other geeks with the magic of the Internet and so this book has the voice of real she geeks out there.
It's a different read, with all the quotes from famous, real and normal men and women embracing who they are. Also the side notes come in handy with words you may not know off and the side notes that are really fun to read.
The only "bad" thing about this book, is that there is this point where Leslie Simon is talking about her own experience about growing up as a geek and how she was treated, and it left me wanting to know just a little bit more. But as you can read it's not really bad it's just me being a baby for not getting things my way.



  1. Sounds like a fun read! I suspect there is a little bit of geek in all of us - and a lot in most of us~ Hugs, new follower, GraceinAZ --
    I am a new follower from Network Your Blog. Pls follow back. Growing Old With Grace

  2. Hi, Berenice! I'm glad you sent me a message so I can follow your blog. I clicked on your picture on my blog but it didn't have a link back here.

    This book sounds exactly like something I would love and it could be speaking about me - geeky, misfit bookworm that I am :) And I wear the same cat's eye glasses as the top one on the cover!!!

  3. This book sounds great! I guess we can all relate because most of us bloggers are also bookworms!

    New follower here - great site and I love the title.

    Megan @ Storybook Love Affair

