Tuesday, March 5, 2013

If you liked Downton Abbey then read The Passing Bells by Phillip Rock

If you’re like me and you love all things Downton Abbey, I have a series that you might enjoy.  The series is a trilogy by Phillip Rock: The Passing Bells, Circles of Time, and A Future Arrived.  Now let me warn you, there aren’t the quick steps and turns and emotional pleadings that you’ll find in Downton Abbey. To be sure, there is no Free Bates campaign and no dastardly duo like O’Brien and Thomas, but you will find a somewhat epic piece that lets you get to know your favorite characters thoroughly, which I love.  Rock takes his time, but not too long, in developing the mannerisms and flaws of these characters so that you feel like you could point them out on the street. That is, if you were living in London in 1918.  And of course, you were granted an invitation to Abingdon Pryory, which is the home of the very wealthy country Lord Greville.
While you’re reading about the lavish parties and tasting the sumptuous kidney pies at Abingdon Pryory, you’ll sit in on discussions from spoiled debutants and bored school boys to whether or not war will break out soon and what will become of our lovely and wealthy characters. 
War does come and in the remaining books you’ll discover how this family copes with the changes brought by war and the wearing down of the social classes, much to the dismay of Lord Greville (quite similarly, in fact to Downton Abbey).  While I’m still pushing the button waiting for Carson to bring my breakfast tray to my bedroom, I’m really glad that WWII is not approaching, but I do wish that people dressed as well today as they did back in the day; nothing wrong with dressing for dinner, is there? Where’s my coronet? I’d better ring for my ladies’ maid.  


  1. I have not watched nor read Downton Abbey which is nuts cause I am British. I am about to catch the first season right now on Hulu.

  2. Downton Abbey is on my list of shows to watch ...these books sound right up my alley; Thanks for introducing me to another author!

