Thursday, October 4, 2012

[Blog Tour + Giveaway] Phantom by Laura DeLuca

Publication Date: March 30th, 2012
Publisher: Pagan Writers Press
ISBN-13: 9780984680092


Rebecca has always loved Gaston Leroux's Phantom of the Opera and when the school decides to stage the play she decides that just being part of the ensemble isn't good enough. She and her two best friends decide to audition, there is where she meets "Lord Justyn" a mysterious goth with a beautiful voice and eyes she just can't turn from.
After getting her dream role as Christine she discovers that there might be more then one phantom in this play, one that likes to play dangerous games and will stop at nothing until he gets what he wants.

Where should I start this book just put me through a lot, from eye rolling after reading a corny phrase and made me want to dig a little deeper for more, to dropping the book for half a day because I had no idea why the author did somethings.
This book also has a love triangle between the Justy the new kid in town with a beautiful voice and goth preference, and Tom the basketball star/surfer that has always had the main role in the school plays. The love triangle isn't as strong as it could be, but the attraction between Justyn and Becca is off the charts and flow perfectly, the time when they are together are the parts that I enjoyed the most.
One of the things that didn't really shine in this book is the impending threat of the "phantom" and how the tragedy's that befall the supporting characters don't really affect you the way they should, you don't really feel sorry for them (well at least I didn't), and when tragedy strikes them it's more like a "oh well" instead of really impacting you and/or leaving you shocked about what just happened.
I liked this book, it could be better but it was a little journey that I enjoyed.


The author is doing a giveaway for you guys, this is what she is offering to one lucky winner

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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  1. Masks on cover seem to be all the rage nowadays. I like that it's about a play which seem to always go well with me. It doesn't sound really like a love triangle... I rather get the non goth guy but that's just me. That's too bad about the threat portion of the book. If it was pulled off it sounds like it would be a great addition to the book.
    She’s Got Books on Her Mind

  2. Honestly Justyn aka the goth guy has a really interesting personality and is intriguing to read, he is one of those character that their personallity over shines any physical defect one may see, or clothing elections one may not approve of

