Friday, September 28, 2012

Glitch by Heather Anastasiu

Glitch #1
Publication Date: August 7th, 2012
Publisher: St. Martins Press
ISBN-13: 9781250002990

The greediness of human kind finally took it's toll and forced the survivors to take extreme measures if they wanted to live in peace, in their desperation they gave up a very important part of themselves, they're feelings. 
Now to keep the order and peace they have achieved they must take care of every threat, even if it's one of their own, a glitcher. Glitchers seem to be a common threat now. Glitchers are people that have somehow rejected the chip that disables emotions.
Zoe has started to glitch and has been debating with the idea to keep experiencing the wonderful experience she gets during those times even if it means living with the constant fear of being caught or to turn herself in and do what everyone has told her is best for the community even if it means she gets deactivated.
This book gave me as much loving as it made me want to close it and shut it down in a deep dark corner. I loved the main character Zoe may not be automatically the strong I can do it all, but she cares for those around her and learns from her mistakes, the whole idea for this book is interesting and the main story was wonderful. 
One of the problems came when Zoe gets to know a guy and she suddenly gets all I love you after minutes from getting to know each other, I don't find it logical, people that have lived all their lives without feeling have a really hard time knowing if it's love or not what they feel, and suddenly this character that has started to get to know what feeling are is so sure she is in love, I'm sorry but I don't buy it. 
Strike two comes when Max and Zoe start talking about the benefits of feeling, and instead of focusing in the main issues like how to hide their feelings and not being detected as glitchers Max decides that "pleasures" is a more appropriate subject.
Honestly after that the main problem with this book is Max, I understand that feelings are a heavy weight to carry so suddenly but his actions, even if well intended at times it doesn't justify all the things he does, specially when the reason behind them are jealousy, greed and envy.  

