Monday, February 27, 2012

{Review} The Pregnancy Project by Gaby Rodriguez with Jenna Glatzer

Publication Date: January 17th, 2012
Publisher: Simon & Schuster
ISBN-13: 9781442446229

If we looked at Gaby Rodriguez as an statistic by saying that she is a Hispanic teenager, child of a teen mom and with no father figure around, people could jump to the conclusion that she is a teenage mom in the making. But the real Gaby Rodriguez is a hard working student, who doesn't drink, who helps take care of her little cousins and grandmother, we can see that she is fighting against the odds that she  has learned from her mother and siblings mistakes and is trying not to go throw them herself.
But how would society react if this hard working girl suddenly said she got knocked-up? How would they treat? What would she get out of faking a pregnancy?

I like the point that Gaby Rodriguez and Jenna Glatzer try to portray with this book and with the project that Gaby did in high school. The narration of this book makes you feel as if the book was being told by that friend you can talk for hours and time just slips by. 
This book brings out a good message not only for the teens but also to people that might be stuck on labels or fell in them because of society's pressure or the whole "history repeating itself". The only thing that left the feeling that something was missing was that you never really get to read what was so bad that pushed Gaby into wanting to quit her project, she just writes it above the surface and in a book like this that you are trying to make a point I believe it's better if you share the darkest experience so that people can really get the full picture and capture the real impact of the point that people like Gaby are trying to get trough.

Rating: 8 out of 10

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