Monday, February 20, 2012

{Review} Nightshade by Andrea Cremer

Series: Nightshade #1
Publication Date: June 28th, 2011
Publisher: Penguin Young Readers Group
ISBN-13: 9780399254826

Since Calla was a child she knew her destiny, she is expected to become Ren's mate, follow the orders of the Keepers, be an exemplary female alpha and follow the rules that her people have for several years. That is until one night she decides to save a boys life and starts to breake her masters rules.
Problems start to grow when the mysterious boy appears at her school and starts to look for answers, answers she cannot give him. After failing to avoid him Calla is asked by a Keeper to protect this boy who's thirst for knowledge will take Calla down the dangerous path of truth.
If someone had told me about Calla's personality and then they would of told me the story I'm sure I would have hated it, but as I kept reading I understood where Calla was coming from and why she reacted the way she did. Andrea Cremer creates this character that is supposed to be in control, able to lead her pack and was certain of herself; the twist is that all of Calla's leadership and power is limited because she is bound to follow the orders from the Keeper who she and the other Guardians are bound to protect and obey.
Calla is soon ordered to protect the boy who she has been avoiding since the day she saved his life and broke her people rules, that boys name is Shay, who starts to put questions in Calla's head and she starts to doubt everything she has been raised to believe and if she should walk the path that has been planned for her by the Keepers.
The thing I loved about this book is that it made me go from stubborn, from wanting to understand the story and how this world worked, from an "Ahhhh now I'm getting it" to an explosive "I must know more!!!!".
My recommendation is to be close to a bookstore or a friend that has the second part of this book because you will want to start the second book as soon as possible.

Rating: 9 out of 10


  1. Carmen Ferreiro-EstebanMarch 15, 2013 at 12:12 AM

    Good review. Now I must read it.

  2. I'm glad you like it, please tell me what you thought of it once you finish it :)

