Saturday, December 31, 2011

Best of 2011

Firstly I would like to start by thanking all the people that have read the blog and give imaginary cookies to those who have decided to follow, and also thanks to all the book writters and book publishers out there, with out your work we wouldn't be able to enjoy such great storys. This is a compilation of stuff that has made my book life more fun or interesting during 2011 and I would like to share this with you guys :)

Kevin Hearne is not only a fun to read author but also a person that love to make others giggle and laugh at his antics, my favorite is this one:

Having Followers!!!! you guys have no idea how many happy dances took place because of you guys!!! Sadly I'm not as brave as Mr. Hearne to dance and put it on youtube, I'm shy like that >.<

Meeting the adorable and talented Rachel Caine in comic-con and getting her book and a bookmark signed, this is how I remember meeting Rachel Caine:
Me walking innocently by the pinguin booth at comic-con and suddenly they start putting Morganville Vampires bookmarikers and this cute pills as propaganda of Working Stiff and a nice lady was standing next to me talking to some of the girls in the pinguin booth, and I ask if I can grab the bookmark and pills, the lady moves and lets me grab them and I say "thank you, because I love the morganville vampires series and Rachel Caine. Then the nice lady says "why thank you for enjoying my work", at that point I felt like I stumbled into some sort of surreal universe and I just couldnt believe my luck!!! and went from O.O <OMG!!! to *-*< I must take a picture!!!!   and yes she was nice enough to take a picture with me and sign the bookmarker and latter on I got the book Working Stiff signed by her >.<

Finding twitter and also that Tahere Mafi is really funny, if you don't believe me follow her on twitter @TaherehMafi and if you can also add Lauren DeStefano @LaurenDeStefano, they are a fun duo I have proof!

Getting several books autographed in comic-con:

Getting several ARCs in comic-con:

Thing I regret:
Not having read Wither by Lauren DeStefano after a friend went several Borders and a Barnes and Noble, the thing was he never expected to find the book on the young adult section...

And thanks to Forever Young Adult I was able to find a way to explain it to him:

Not knowing how to properly give time to my book life and my non-book life, but I'm learning... I SWEAR!!! As proof I'm showing you the first three books I will review in 2012, I can honestly only say that Everneath comes first and the other two will be number 2 and 3, if you want to see the Wither review of the Friday Night Bites review first let me know, leave a comment ;)

And my bad memory, because there are one or two points missing and even thought I've been trying to remember nothing comes up!!!!!!


  1. It is only called Young Adult so that the NYT doesn't have to worry about Twilight et al being on their book lists, petty but true

  2. Interesting Shaft!! where did you read/saw/heard it???

  3. I seriously need to go to comic con...
    Btw I passed on an award to you as a blogger

