Monday, September 5, 2011

{Review} Firelight by Sophie Jordan

Series: Firelight
Publication date: September 7, 2010
Publisher: Harper Teen
ISBN-13: 9780061935084

Jacinda is different from her kind and because of that she is treated differently for she is special for them and because of that they wish her to marry the alpha to be Cassian.  It's not only the fact that no one asked her if she ever wished to be with Cassian, Jacinda also respects the wishes of her twin sister Tamra who has had a crush on him since they where kids.
Trying to feel free Jacinda and her best friend Az take a little trip that goes against the rules of her people, and gets into trouble. They are being hunt down and Jacinda and Az separate and the hunters get really close to catching Jacinda, but thanks to a mysterious young hunter that lets her get away she is safe to return home. 
At home everyone is worried, glad and mad at seeing Jacinda come back, the threat of a punishment worries her mother enough that she decides to take her twin daughters out into the dessert so they could have a chance at a normal life.
In her new life Jacinda is fighting to survive while her mother and sister only wish for her to forget about the past and adapt, but that will turn out to be more difficult than they think when Jacinda is reunited with the young mysterious hunter.
Jacinda may have done some stuff that could be called stupid, I call it rebellious with a mother to afraid of it all and playing always on the safe side of things only encourages her behavior and her sister Tamra that is more interested in fitting then her own sister. Both mother and sister made me feel for Jacinda is now trapped in an environment that she must do everything she can to survive.
I give the mom credit for standing out to her people (even if it was by running away) but she hides behind safe way to much and Cassian the guy who  everyone wishes to pair up with Jacinda, might have been a little weird to the point of where we could think he is creepy but as you read you find that he has a more that meets the eye. 
But it's Will, Jace love interest that steals the show with his sweet and kind nature, the fact that he is a hunter yet he doesn't wish to be one and that secret he keeps.
Overall I liked the book, but at times it was somehow repetitive and a couple of times predictable. Yet it seems to redeem itself with a couple of twist and good writing. 

Rating: 8 out of 10
